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Overtaken after Chequered Flag

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medal 5000
10 years 361 days ago
Hey i was watching my race and being very worried because i would finish with less than a litre of fuel and then i had passed the flag but after i had finished i ran out of fuel and was overtaken eventhough i had finished. Is this a bug or is it just some programing.
medal 5000
10 years 360 days ago
Are you sure it was the finish line you're looking at and not the DRS activation line? Your car should disappear as soon as it finishes. Can't see how it can run out AFTER you finished.
medal 5000
10 years 360 days ago
Actually when you run out of fuel, the car stops immediately, then disppears after a short amount of time, just like every other failure on the car that forces retirement.  In theory the car becomes a ghost before it disappears off the screen/track.
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