Jake Goodhall medal 5000 10 years 272 days ago
I was looking at my finances and realised that there is no money sign before the amount. Obviously a £ or $ or anything else cannot be used and I thought it might be fun for you designers out there to invent an iGP money sign. I can't even draw a stickman so can't even give you an example but maybe some of you, in a free moment, might think of something suitable. I am sure Jack will probably hate me for suggesting it as it will probably be impossible to impliment but anyway it might be fun to see what people can come up with.
Brendan Evans medal 5000 10 years 271 days ago
It kinda does, the little coin with the $ in the middle
James Young medal 5000 10 years 271 days ago
It kinda does, the little coin with the $ in the middle
Ignatius Corleone medal 5000 10 years 268 days ago
yup that in a different colour or texture or something