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When we choose W, can we run with W please ?!

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medal 5000
4 years 121 days ago
Que vouliez-vous faire ?
Run with W.

Que s'est-il finalement passé ?
Run with I.

Est-ce que le problème est survenu quand vous utilisiez le Wifi, l'internet mobile ou les deux ?

Est-ce que le bug s'est produit dans l'application, sur PC ou les deux ?

Quel est le modèle de votre appareil ?
Huawei P30

Quel est le système d'exploitation ?

Quel est le numéro de version de votre système d'exploitation ?

Quel est le système d'exploitation de votre PC ?

Dans quel navigateur avez-vous rencontré le problème ?
Chrome + app.

Que vouliez-vous faire ?
Don't know, it's your turn to tell why is it happening.

Commentaires supplémentaires :
Fix it. Not too hard. And don't tell me about advances options (or whatever in english), it was set on Wet +3mm. And rain is about 3.3 since 7.45pm.
medal 5510 Super Mod
4 years 121 days ago
In order to help the developers fix your problem, please ensure to include as much detail as you can in your answers to your above questions.  
Question 1 and 2 in particular need a couple of sentences instead of just 3 words so that the developers can work on fixing your problem. 
medal 5000
4 years 121 days ago
Ok my bad.

Singapour, raining at 3.3mm.
I set my setup at 55-56, 10 laps with Wet tyres then 13-13-13-13, still with Wet tyres. 

What happened : I join the race at 7.55pm. I see that my driver did the quali with Inter tyres. Don't know why. It's not the first time, same goes for 3 players of my league (don't know if they failed or not tho).
Qualif 24th, when my teammate with the same strat ran his quali with Wet tyres. 

Boring, but well, bugs happen. But why is it happening when we set W and not I ? 
medal 5510 Super Mod
4 years 121 days ago
What did you have set for your advanced strategy for both the affected driver and their teammate
medal 5000
4 years 121 days ago

What did you have set for your advanced strategy for both the affected driver and their teammate

If rain +3mm, wet tyres. Since 7.45pm, it was raining at 3.3mm. And it was saved before the race.
medal 5510 Super Mod
4 years 121 days ago
• Was this definitely set for both drivers?  

One way to explain only one driver starting on Wets is that you accidentally didn't save the advanced options for them. Please confirm that you definitely made the Wet 3+mm on both cars, and not just one of them. 

medal 5000
4 years 121 days ago

• Was this definitely set for both drivers?  

One way to explain only one driver starting on Wets is that you accidentally didn't save the advanced options for them. Please confirm that you definitely made the Wet 3+mm on both cars, and not just one of them. 

Sorry, when I said "teammates", it was for the custom team championship that we're doing, my bad.

It was saved, I could see it from my pc or my phone, leaving the app and re-launching it, still wet +3mm.

Well, I guess it's a bug, but could be great to fix it. But I guess devs are already aware of that, hope so.
medal 5510 Super Mod
4 years 121 days ago
I have escalated this to the iGP Developers to see if they can fix this bug and/or see why it is happening.  
medal 5000
4 years 121 days ago
Thank you Connor !
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