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medal 5197
4 years 120 days ago
What did you try to do?
My CD and TD are exact same rated or better then another guy in my league

What happened instead?
Mine have 4.5 stars and his have 5 red stars ( for me )

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What is the model of your device?
Doesnt matter

What is the operating system?

What is the version number of the operating system?
Doesnt matter

Can the bug be reproduced?
I dont know

Additional comments:
It is not game changing but it is weird
medal 5144 Super Mod
4 years 120 days ago
You are L13, what is the level of the CD you see as 5 red stars? My guess is that he is L14 or higher. If this is the case it is not a bug, it's how the star system works.

I agree with you, it's weird, but there doesn't appear to be any real correlation between CD attribute values and CD level. It has been this way since the current version of the game was launched in August 2016. So ignore the attributes (Talent, Experience and Morale) and just focus on level and stars.

A CD the same level as your team will yield maximum next season design.
medal 5197
4 years 120 days ago

You are L13, what is the level of the CD you see as 5 red stars? My guess is that he is L14 or higher. If this is the case it is not a bug, it's how the star system works.

I agree with you, it's weird, but there doesn't appear to be any real correlation between CD attribute values and CD level. It has been this way since the current version of the game was launched in August 2016. So ignore the attributes (Talent, Experience and Morale) and just focus on level and stars.

A CD the same level as your team will yield maximum next season design.

Yes. That other guys staff is level 14. Thanks for your help
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