Tom Wagemans medal 5000 11 years 16 days ago
i have searched the forms far and wide, but couldn't find out what "bonuses" means in the finances section of the game.... this isn't the bonus you get for completing the objective for a race. is this the bonus you get for winning? i dind't get anything for becoming second. so can anyone help me?
sorry that this is my second question in a week, but i appreciate the help and understanding from the staff and comunity!
kind regards, Tom
ps: sorry for faulty english, it's not my native tongue.

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 16 days ago
I don't think I have ever received a bonus.
Has anyone else received one?

James Thorpe medal 5000 11 years 16 days ago
Nope i haven't either.
Never noticed that it even was there. Thought that you were refering to prize money first until I could see it with my own eyes. Has it been there long or added newly?
Anyone know what this is surposed to mean/be?

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 11 years 16 days ago
Probably something that was never implimented. Jack would be able to say once he has time to reply.

James Young medal 5000 11 years 15 days ago
I've been on the game since about June of 2012, and to my recollection I have never once received a bonus.