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Which tyre supplier is the best?

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medal 5000
10 years 343 days ago
Which tyre supplier is the best? I personally like Donelots (8 grip, 4 resilience, 4 operating range), but it seems like a lot others like Bridgerock (9, 3, 3). Which one is better?
medal 5000
10 years 343 days ago
I'm sure someone will post what they think is their preferred brand, but to me it's down to personal preference and how you play the game.

If you don't play the 2d game live, I'd guess Komehome is the best to use because, although it's got lower overall grip, it has a much more lenient range of optimal operating temperature and wear resistance.

If you do play the 2d game live, then you'll have to adapt the tire you use to your personal style. Do you push aggressively or do you hang back and let the rabbits burn out their tires? That's how I'd pick the proper tire for your game.
medal 5000
10 years 342 days ago
Too early to tell. People really need time to analyze each supplier's capabilities.

I just finished a season with what looked to be a very fast combination of Tire, Fuel, and Engine. But I suffered from very poor tire wear and the temperatures were much harder to manage. Fuel usage was bad too because my car was always a few laps worth of fuel heavier than my opponents. And I could only complete less-than or equal-to the laps of their stints. I am sure the engine makes a big difference with overall results but right I am about to start a new season where I am going to experiment with an 'economy' setup and Donelots. Basically: Super lightweight car using less fuel, a little down on pwer, with average tire performance. It might work!

This will allow me to compare a very fast supplier setup (last season) versus an economy supplier setup (this season. It should show some very drastic differences in tire wear and fuel consumption.
medal 5000
10 years 342 days ago
David, a friend of mine already had the economy setup this year and can't compeed with the power setup. Save youre season en go with the power setup and test some different setups between tires and fuel.
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