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Visible or Negotiable Wages

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medal 5000
4 years 88 days ago
One of my primary issues, especially as a player coming up in the ranks, is that you cannot always see the wages you would be paying someone when you go to hire them. Often, their contracts page will only either say "Bid" or "Buy Now". This goes double for any character on a shortlist that isn't currently in the widespread bidding pools. You can only see a "Buy Now" option for a certain amount of money (say $14 million) and Tokens (say 3 tokens). This doesn't give you either the length of the contract you would be signing, nor the wage that you would be paying them every week. 
Although I don't know much about game coding, this seems like a relatively simple QoL update that could easily be fixed, especially for players using a browser. 

Likewise, I think it would especially cool (even if only for drivers and staff no longer on the main market) if you could negotiate a contract with them, and not simply be forced to take a single, constantly increasing price. 
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