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Driver left my team after 43 races

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medal 5001
4 years 109 days ago (Last edited by Ryousuke Takahashi 4 years 108 days ago)
O que você estava tentando fazer?
this driver left my team with 43 races
WHY?????? i want him back!!!!

O que ocorreu de fato?
this driver left my team with 43 races
WHY?????? i want him back!!!!

O problema ocorre usando WiFi, internet móvel, ou ambos?

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Qual é o sistema operacional do seu computador?

Em qual navegador ocorreu o problema?

É possível reproduzir o problema?

Comentários adicionais:
its already happened with other pilot     left with 31 races
medal 5285
4 years 108 days ago
Was it a reserve driver in some point of the contract? If so, the races you did counts for the contract but it doesn't count as their raced ones for your team in the driver's stats page.
medal 5001
4 years 108 days ago

Was it a reserve driver in some point of the contract? If so, the races you did counts for the contract but it doesn't count as their raced ones for your team in the driver's stats page.

medal 5002 Super Mod
4 years 107 days ago
I flagged this to support to look at.
medal 5000
4 years 107 days ago
Hello Ryousuke 

I have thoroughly investigated the history of your account for your problem with the driver.
I have also checked well the last 20 days and in the last 20 days the contract has not been renewed as the salary paid after each race has remained constant.
As a result, the driving contract has naturally expired.
If I counted correctly, you have done 69 races since 29 August, in particular 19, then there was the renewal and finally 50 races that led to the end of the contract.
I also take note of the problem and duplicate that driver and I will insert on your team..

Best Regards
medal 5001
4 years 101 days ago

Hello Ryousuke 

I have thoroughly investigated the history of your account for your problem with the driver.
I have also checked well the last 20 days and in the last 20 days the contract has not been renewed as the salary paid after each race has remained constant.
As a result, the driving contract has naturally expired.
If I counted correctly, you have done 69 races since 29 August, in particular 19, then there was the renewal and finally 50 races that led to the end of the contract.
I also take note of the problem and duplicate that driver and I will insert on your team..

Best Regards

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