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PNG image compression causing discoloration

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medal 5000
10 years 325 days ago
I've noticed that any PNG on the site (user uploaded) is being desaturated and colors ruined.

To test, if you upload a PNG team logo, see the results and how the colors change / look desaturated (lack color). If you upload a JPG image, the colors are maintained and normal (vibrant as expected).

This also affects the livery generator because once the livery is saved, the resulting image you see on the Team page is a PNG, and thus your livery looks very different from the colors you had when in the Livery Designer.

Small bug, hopefully not intentional changes with the image compression software you're using :)
medal 5000
10 years 325 days ago
I will pass this to my more technical colleagues David.
medal 5000
10 years 306 days ago (edited 10 years 306 days ago)
Were there any findings for this?

Just ruined my livery when I resaved :( Adds a blue tint.

Saving as PNG24 instead of PNG32 might help?
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