David applin medal 5000 10 years 361 days ago
hey, i am am just about to finish my first full season in IGP manager and i am in with a chance to get third or second in the standings.
So i was wondering do you get prize money for your final position in the standings and how much is it depending on where you finish?

Benjamin Ogieriakhi medal 5000 10 years 361 days ago
You Don't But,Like you, that's what i thought would happen

Joey Buskermolen medal 5000 10 years 361 days ago
guys, the truth is. If you manage youre money the right way, you should have lots of millions! But then again, i also think its a bit strange that there are no rewards for getting a good position in the championship.So the first point, We should have more options to invest the money. Point 2: We should get rewards for podiums places at the of the season.
Admins, what is youre idea about this?

David Blundell medal 5000 10 years 361 days ago
I think the 'reward' for finishing high in the championship should be that wages and component costs go up substantially. But also perhaps sponsors will re-negotiate favourably. There needs to be a point where sustained success becomes VERY difficult.

Joey Buskermolen medal 5000 10 years 361 days ago
i'm thinking there should be more variables in the devolepment of the components. For example, the reliability and the performens should be in some kind of balance. Either way , you can choose for more performens, but then the component could break down etc. I got over 210 million at the moment! Dont know what i should do with, maybe we could invest in partners, so you can get more performens of their engines, tyers or fuel, maybe the prices you pay them every month has te be higher especially when they getting better. There is no balance right now.
the thing is that every day is the same, when you got everything on track, More challenges, harder to get some result

Tom Wagemans medal 5000 10 years 354 days ago
i got a promotion code for a free month of Iracing.com for winning the DC so there are rewards. But no in ingame cash.

James Young medal 5000 10 years 354 days ago
i got a promotion code for a free month of Iracing.com for winning the DC so there are rewards. But no in ingame cash.
This only happens the first time you win a driver's championship, by the way.

Jason Friedman medal 5000 10 years 339 days ago
I have won the last 4DC & CC in a row and am losing interest..... not because of the competition....but because there is no reward system in place. Also most of us dont need extra money anymore I supect the regulars have well over 200 mil and cant spend it anyway.

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 10 years 339 days ago
Were you to win in Elite you would gain 100 ranking points
There are some much higher ranked leagues too, which you may find more of a challenge