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Track drying

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medal 5000
4 years 95 days ago
Que vouliez-vous faire ?
Usually, when it stops raining, the track dries up very quickly

Que s'est-il finalement passé ?
Yesterday in Malaysia (24*C) the rain has stopped at 19:50 (2.1mm)
Very quickly, the water height on the track was 0.6mm
But at 20:00 (start of the race) the track still have 0.6mm

And it was necessary to wait the Lap32 (on 56) for have completely dry track (0.0mm)

Was it a bug? Or a new drying algorithm?

Thanks a lot

Est-ce que le problème est survenu quand vous utilisiez le Wifi, l'internet mobile ou les deux ?

Est-ce que le bug s'est produit dans l'application, sur PC ou les deux ?

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Dans quel navigateur avez-vous rencontré le problème ?

Que vouliez-vous faire ?
Yes for all

Commentaires supplémentaires :
medal 5000
4 years 95 days ago
Malaysia has bugs/problems related to rain, I totally agree with you. S month ago, the game said it was raining but after more than 10 minutes there were still 0.0mm. The same when it stops raining. The water depth stops at some values remaining blocked for "many" laps.
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