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Bug exploit

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medal 5000
4 years 93 days ago (Last edited by José Trujillo 4 years 93 days ago)
So we have had some trouble with players in our league which we have sorted out with Jose. Can someone explain to me how previous players that have left are posting on our league page? Especially since I have added a password to the league! Also it seems strange that 27 1 star ratings went on our league the same day this person posted. He left our league a while ago not very happy because he wasn't winning and now seems to be trying to wind everyone up. His most recent post is asking for 6 places to be made available and his quote is 'password not a problem'!! We have other Russian players in the league who posted on his first post in Russian which when translated referred to famous Russian hackers! Maybe someone can explain as this is getting very tiresome and frustrating now!! Thanks.
medal 5679 Community Manager
4 years 93 days ago
Hello Jim,

It isn’t a hack, it’s a bug exploit. We’ll take measures as soon as possible. Unfortunately since it is weekend the developers won’t be available to help on this. I modify your thread title to avoid confusion.
medal 5000
4 years 93 days ago
Thank you José, I am trying to be patient with it all but the few that are trying to spoil it for everyone is becoming very annoying now. I just want it to go back to how it was before without all the frustration! Thanks.
medal 5000
4 years 93 days ago
Hello Jim,

It isn’t a hack, it’s a bug exploit. We’ll take measures as soon as possible. Unfortunately since it is weekend the developers won’t be available to help on this. I modify your thread title to avoid confusion.

Yes it was a weekend also 62 days ago when you told me/us that you would have reallocated the "my championships" button. 
medal 4508
4 years 91 days ago

Thank you José, I am trying to be patient with it all but the few that are trying to spoil it for everyone is becoming very annoying now. I just want it to go back to how it was before without all the frustration! Thanks.

I feel your pain dude, we had the same issue a while back in our Old League, a few would spoil it for the rest, in the end, we took the decent players to a new league and left those who were rotten to rot. I hope you get things sorted dude.
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