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Drivers Weight

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medal 5000
4 years 87 days ago
What did you try to do?
Ive recently discovered drivers Weight affects laptimes, but I cant train my driver to a high enough level to match my competitors driver weight, meaning the ballast system is useless at levelling the playing field

What happened instead?
Higher levels just drive past despite extra 'ballast'
My driver is 18kg heavier than my rivals and they only have 5kg ballast

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What is the model of your device?

What is the operating system?

What is the version number of the operating system?

What operating system is your PC?
Windows 95

Which browser did you experience the problem in?
Internet Explorer? Either way don't look at my history ?

Can the bug be reproduced?
Bug ongoing, cars should either be equal weight including drivers plus ballast or ballast needs to be higher

Additional comments:
medal 5084 Super Mod
4 years 87 days ago
When you get a new driver the first thing you should do is train the Physical attributes until Stamina is 20 and weight is minimum. This does very little to increase driver level so it doesn't take very long.

If you choose to train other areas first the level of the driver increases and the rate at which you can train decreases making it much more difficult to get the weight off.

This is not a bug, it is a game mechanic, I'll move this thread to Help & Support and mark as solved.

BTW, the fact other cars drive past you could be something other than just driver weight.
medal 5000
4 years 86 days ago
I hear that but it just doesn't make sense, and leaves new drivers with very few skill attributes to reach desired weight. The issue is that if a driver is 19-20kg heavier but the ballast for level 20 is only 5kg then it's pointless having the ballast system. Obviously higher level cars will have better development and better tech but if their cars are also lighter it makes them impossible to catch.
medal 5084 Super Mod
4 years 86 days ago
Most managers will keep new drivers in reserve until they are trained. TBH, I think your biggest problem is not the weight, it's the fact that your driver is only trained to 13 in Stamina.

Because you have chosen to focus your training on the "Driving Ability" attributes you have trained your T20 driver to a higher level than your team which has dramatically reduced the speed of training. This is why it is best to train "Physical" first as I said above. Unfortunately it is too late now and it's going to take a long time or a lot of tokens to get this driver to be competitive.

I don't think there's an issue with the ballast system, the problem is how you have approached your driver training.

Something else to consider is your Technology HQ. If this is low your DRS will be ineffective and anyone with a high level Tech HQ will fly past you on the DRS straight.
medal 5000
4 years 85 days ago
Yes I was concentrating on Driving Ability until I learned the Drivers Weight affects the total weight of the car (unlike Real World) then switched to Physical attributes. Up until level 8 I was concentrating on all attributes equally, but wasn't aware different attributes train at different rates.
Like you say it's too late to change that now, but had I concentrated only on physical I would be well behind my rivals on driving Ability so still slow overall.

There is an issue with the ballast system to be honest. As you've pointed out with the Tech, higher levels can blast past anyone with their DRS. At Russia for example the DRS zone is short, and having led for the majority of the race by 1.5 seconds the level 20 in second place picked up DRS from a backmarker and breezed past us both. At another race I was leading by 4.6 seconds and the same driver boosted into DRS range. I used all of my boost to try stay clear and using just half of his boost he caught up and then blew me away with DRS. This is not a problem as higher levels should have better tech, but 5-6kgs is not enough to level the playing field.
Again with development, higher levels can develop quicker and improve their fuel economy. If the ballast was higher it would level this out, but currently at a maximum of 7kgs this can be mitigated by having better fuel economy and carrying 5-6 litres less fuel for the same number of laps. This means even at maximum ballast the higher levels are actually lighter than everyone else on the grid, making ballast superfluous. Realistically you need at least 10-15kgs of ballast to make any real difference
medal 5084 Super Mod
4 years 85 days ago
In the past, quite a few managers complained on the forum that the ballast is too much of a handicap and should be removed. Their team gets relegated and they are unable to regain promotion because of negative effect ballast has on performance. So as you can see a polar opposite opinion to you... Please Remove Ballast

In reality it is a bit about how the game is played. The fact they got relegated suggests they are the weakest team in the Elite tier, then they come across someone in Pro who knows what they're doing with a secondary account and they can't compete because of the ballast.

You appear to be suffering from the opposite. It sounds like you are competing with a high level team who knows what they're doing whereas you're still in a steep learning curve.

As you can see, if the devs were to adopt your solution of increasing ballast there would be a lot of unhappy people.
medal 5000
4 years 85 days ago
That's interesting, although I'm not the only one saying ballast should be increased. Perhaps just removing the 'ballast' on drivers would be a middle ground solution? Like I said before, in RL Racing all car and driver combos are weighed and minimum weight is set by the heaviest combo. Teams do get a slight advantage from having a lighter driver because they can decide where to place ballast for best weight distribution, but all cars weigh the same overall. Then ballast is added to level the playing field throughout the season.
Another suggestion is to cap the design points and remove the ballast altogether. This would even the playing field massively and no one can moan that it's the ballast causing their poor performance. For example, we're at the mid way point in the season and the level 20 car is almost maxxed out on 4 attributes, meanwhile the rest of us are barely at halfway. At each race a Level 20 gets 100% more points than a level 10, meaning they have double the points to upgrade their car for the next race. If it was capped at 15 that's only a 50% advantage on points which is manageable and fair enough when they already have double the boost and DRS power.
If I'm honest I agree with the opinion that if your car is that much better, but you can't get into the top 6-8, then you probably don't belong in Elite ?
medal 4997 Moderator
4 years 85 days ago (Last edited by Frank Thomas 4 years 85 days ago)
Sorry, but that sounds it's not ballast failing to level the field but teams not using the other tools present for that purpose. If a team is about maxed in 4 attributes in Pro and a level 10 is halfway that then the level 10, doing it right, would get roughly 45 points per race for the next few races, 10 from HQ and 35 from research. But with research used from the start it never should get to those extreme differences in design, except the level 20 held back all those points to spend them at once, however then the level 20 would suffer from ballast without having a better car to make up for it during the races saving up those points.
medal 5000
4 years 84 days ago
45 for research? Maybe in Elite but not in Pro. I had 5 Red Stars for Research at the last race and still only gained 25 points overall. Same amount I was getting as a Level 9 with 5 Yellow stars. 8 races in the level 20 has had minimum 80 Upgrade points more than a level 10 and even more than the majority of the field (8-9)
medal 5154
4 years 84 days ago
He said ‘doing it right’.
medal 5000
4 years 84 days ago
So what should I be doing differently to increase my research points?
medal 5084 Super Mod
4 years 84 days ago (Last edited by Kevin Bissell 4 years 84 days ago)
45 for research? Maybe in Elite but not in Pro. I had 5 Red Stars for Research at the last race and still only gained 25 points overall. Same amount I was getting as a Level 9 with 5 Yellow stars. 8 races in the level 20 has had minimum 80 Upgrade points more than a level 10 and even more than the majority of the field (8-9)

Frank didn't say 45 for research, he said 35 for research and 10 from your design HQ making a total of 45 for the race. You say that your team has about 50dp in an attribute but the other manager is maxed (100 in Pro). The difference is therefore 50 and assuming a L10 CD and TD your research power should be 70% which equates to the 35dp that Frank said.

Don't ever research your CD weakness. Seeing as for you this is Cooling I don't imagine you're going to fall into that trap LOL.

If I were you I'd get another driver and train him properly. Keep the current one as a reserve and change your training regime to overcome the issues you have. Train the current one and the new one only in Physical until the Stamina gets to 20, IMO weight isn't as big a problem as you think it is.

Edit: Regarding the L20 having 10 more dp per race than your L10 account. He will only have 40% research power against your 70% which balances out the difference. Additionally because he's ahead in the important attributes he'll be getting 40% of nothing when you're getting 70% of 50.
medal 5000
4 years 83 days ago
Aha I see, so yh I'm getting 34-35 in total atm. That's good news if he's getting less on research and already maxxed I should start catching up from this point. We were around equal this race and I just about managed to outfox him and take the win ?

Yh I don't really bother with cooling or reliability just gotta hope nothing breaks ? ?

Yh doing that already, got a new driver off a friend and started training him up on physical first so should have him ready in a couple of races. Stamina now at 20 and weight 56 so I'll work on the other attributes next. Does Mental matter much or should I just focus on Driving?
Plus if weight doesn't matter that much what's the harm in increasing the ballast? ??
medal 5084 Super Mod
4 years 83 days ago
Yh doing that already, got a new driver off a friend and started training him up on physical first so should have him ready in a couple of races. Stamina now at 20 and weight 56 so I'll work on the other attributes next. Does Mental matter much or should I just focus on Driving?

Train Physical until you achieve minimum weight (51kg Male / 46kg Female) because it will not increase the level and therefore will not slow training speed. Then IMO switch to Driving Ability until they're all at 20, finally switch to Mental.

This is how I do it, it's not necessarily correct but I'm sure if there's a better way someone will post.
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