Kristof Nonjabisnis medal 5000 4 years 63 days ago (Last edited by
Kristof Nonjabisnis 4 years 63 days ago)
What is your research power if you select only one element ? 43% or something like that ?
By selecting 3 areas for your research, I guess you see 15% but in reality it could be 14,33% (43% / 3)
It's just an assumption, but could it make sense ?
This was also my thought. While it shows 15% it can be less, explaining the faulty calculations that I have made.
Interesting points of view from everyone.
Kevin Bissell 5046
BYW, if you'd only have researched acceleration you would have got an extra 3dp.
Indeed, thanks for sharing. I would have done that but based on my calculations the focus on 3 skills gave me more DP.
Maybe I can explain both cases ... as the good Joao has explained several times, the search for levels 19 is not 44, but 43,0000000001 which the game shows as 44, but is actually 43.00000000001.
... And ...
The maximum research possible for a given manager level is: (100 - 3*(20 - Manager_lvl)), in %. So for you is 43%.
I do not understand how this is calculated. Becaused on above formula: 100 - 3*(20-19) = 97. That does not seem correct, right? And how would you come to 43,00000001? What if I get to level 20, what will it be then?
Are you sure the best car was at 100 under braking? Did you see it with Google's inspect tool or did you get the screen of that car? Because if you've seen it with Google, the odd numbers are rounded to the next even.
From the research window I could easily see that best performing teams were maxed out on the bar. So 100% meaning 200 DP?
Research gains:
Braking = 23.01933333 (24); Downforce = 22.21666667 (23); and Handling = 21.5 (22)
The Chief Design strength bonus is +10% and it's weakness onus is -50%
I believe you looked the values with supplier bonuses, which is wrong, that's why your gain on Braking is higher than we all calculated.
All good with the research points you got (I think).
I can guarantee that the DP levels that I have reported do not include the supplier bonuses, because they have not been incorporated in the research overview. (not for my team anyway, so I would guess it is the same for other teams)
So even if I take 43% as research power instead of 44% (which explains the difference on handling) I do not get a final number of 24.
However... If I do the following I get to 24 and would like to know what you think of it.
141 x (0.4300001/3) = 20.21 --> Round-up to 21 --> Add 10% --> 23.10 rounded up is 24
Makes sense or not?
Thank you guys for the interesting interaction.
Have a great day.