Jacob Howes medal 5000 10 years 335 days ago
Hello my driver has like 9% health will that make a difference to my performance? Also will his health go up or do I need to hire a new driver?

Tjerk Korving medal 5000 10 years 335 days ago
With a low health a driver won't be able to hold up his speed during the race. So higher is better.
You will have to use the training options to get health up again. In the menu: Team > Training.

Jacob Howes medal 5000 10 years 335 days ago
ok thanks will do it after my race

DJ Morris medal 5000 10 years 335 days ago (edited 10 years 335 days ago)
Infact,if you have 100 reward points you can revitalise your driver instantly to 100% health.
To check go to 'account' in the top right hand corner of the screen and select 'rewards'. If you have enough reward points then select 'revitalise driver'.
If you don't have enough reward points then I think you can pay for reward points aswell (real money,not in-game money)
EDIT: Go to 'top up reward points' and you can get 100 points for £3. I don't usually think new players should use the reward points system so use it just this once and then forget that it exists for a few months whilst you master playing the game. This should now allow you to focus on training other areas of your driver but don't completely forget about health of your driver (don't let it fall below 90%)

Jacob Howes medal 5000 10 years 334 days ago
can you help me? i cant change my tyres/repair my parts because when i click save it does nothing????? HELP PLEASE!

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 10 years 334 days ago
Jacob, Your race has already started. Let me know if you are still having problems

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 10 years 332 days ago
Jacob, It works for me. Can you give me some more details about exactly what it is that you are doing.
I have closed the duplicate thread.
Probably best to send me a message