Palantiri Palantiridis medal 5000 4 years 66 days ago
Hello, me and my friends created a private league, we are only 9 teams so we would like to stay on the same league, rookie, it doesn't matter.
My question is, what exactly the option "Promotion and relegation" mean?
I have it disabled but I cant find anywhere what it does, does it mean no-one will get promoted?
Thank you in advance

Ovih Sapiens medal 5041
SUPPORT AGENT 4 years 66 days ago
Hi Palantiri,
The option "Promotion and relegation" means that in Pro and Elite tier, in a two car league... The first two teams in Pro can be promoted to Elite at the end of the Season. On the other hand, the last two teams in Pro are relegated to Rookie tier.
In a one car league it's different, because there are more teams. Four teams can be promoted and relegated at the end of each Season.
If you have deactivated the option, there won't be promotion. Remember that to activate the promotion and relegation you need at least 8/16 teams in a two car league (for example).
Greetings! :-)

Palantiri Palantiridis medal 5000 4 years 66 days ago
Thanks for the answer, just to make it perfectly clear, we are 9 2 car teams, all on rookie, the option is de-activated, that means noone will be promoted, correct?

Ovih Sapiens medal 5041
SUPPORT AGENT 4 years 66 days ago
Yes, you're right. There won't be promotion.
Greetings! :-)