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medal 5002
3 years 363 days ago
I propose to improve refueling, so that when you drive on pit feet for refueling with fuel residue, so that it does not pour 30 liters for example, but plus the remaining fuel, that is, if the balance is about 10, and in strategy 30, then it should be 10+30
P. S. I hope I understandably explained, and sorry for my English)) 
medal 5000
3 years 363 days ago
yea :D
medal 5468
3 years 362 days ago
I thought refueling works like that anyway.  If you have 10lts remaining and you want 30lts, it gives you 20 lts to add to the 10 lts you already have.  If you want 40 lts of fuel for the stind and have 10 lts in the tank, don't select 30 lts.  Select 40 lts and all will be fine...
medal 5000
3 years 362 days ago
It already works that way....
medal 5000
3 years 362 days ago
The refueling works in such a way that you choose how much fuel you want to leave the box with, not how much you want to put in when you enter.

So if you enter with 10lt and set 30lt, you will exit with 30lt, therefore with a refuling of 20lt.
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