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New options to get drivers

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medal 5000
3 years 353 days ago

Today I spent 30 tokens and try to get a tall driver in my academy.... but I didn’t succeed.... 

What about change the system, like
1 token = random driver
10 token = 180+ driver 
20 token = 186+
30 token = 190+

Just as an example 
medal 5000
3 years 351 days ago


Today I spent 30 tokens and try to get a tall driver in my academy.... but I didn’t succeed.... 

What about change the system, like
1 token = random driver
10 token = 180+ driver 
20 token = 186+
30 token = 190+

Just as an example 

I'm pretty sure it's bots that bid to make you use your coins, 
medal 5000 Super Mod
3 years 350 days ago

I'm pretty sure it's bots that bid to make you use your coins, 

This has nothing to do with auction bids. JNS 886 is talking about the height of drivers that are generated from the academy.

In any case, when you are bidding in an auction you are bidding against other players, not bots.
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