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Mobile Viewer works but Viewer with Control Doesn't

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medal 5000
10 years 228 days ago
After the mobile viewer worked but the 'standard' viewer and 2d viewer didn't I updated my Java to Java 8 but am still having issues getting anything other than mobile to work (ie. black screen with no error messages that doesnt load anything no matter how long you leave it)

Does anyone have any ideas?
medal 5000
10 years 228 days ago
Just uninstalled + reinstalled version 7 and it seems to work now? So guess you could say its 'fixed' lol
medal 5000
10 years 227 days ago
I've had this problem before..And it still doesn't work -_- 

Done everything what you've said here but it still hasn't worked for about 2 weeks..

I may just as well cancel my subscription now..

medal 5404 CEO & CTO
10 years 225 days ago (edited 10 years 225 days ago)
Are you also on Java version 8, Chaz? We've had a couple of reports this week of people saying they upgraded and have experienced issues. Java 8 is still a development version, so we would strongly advise people not to upgrade. The latest official release is version 7 update 60, and we recommend staying on version 7 until version 8 is an official release.

We will investigate what is going on with some installations of Java 8. We may contact you in PM for more information on your configuration of Java, as the issue may be related to the configuration you are running and not the version. We have already tested version 8 and not experienced any issues, which means this is likely related to configuration.

EDIT: Also, if you have multiple versions of Java installed simultaneously this has been known to cause issues. Ensure you don't have both version 7 and version 8 installed at the same time.
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