Alex Valley medal 5000 4 years 9 days ago
I tried to reset password for my other account, but it says I have two accounts with same email, therefore I have to change email for the second account first. I'm not aware of any other team with this email address and even if there is one, I don't know its password as well. Can someone help please?
The account I'm trying to gain access to: https://igpmanager.com/app/d=profile&manager=799274&tab=overview

Ovih Sapiens medal 5041
SUPPORT AGENT 4 years 8 days ago
Hi Alex,
I recommend you to send a Ticket to Support explaining what problem are you having. It's the quickest way to solve your issue.
Here you can know how to do it:
Ticket for Assistance
Greetings! :-)

Alex Valley medal 5000 4 years 8 days ago
Thanks as always! Will try.

Alex Valley medal 5000 4 years 8 days ago
Tried to reset passwd once more (for screenshots) and it just worked. Consider the issue as solved.

Ovih Sapiens medal 5041
SUPPORT AGENT 4 years 8 days ago
Oh, that's good! The thread has been solved!
Greetings! :-)