David Parker medal 5042 10 years 267 days ago
Today was the final race of my leagues season where myself and another manager have finished 1st and 2nd in the Pro tier, ready to get promoted. There have been 8 teams in the league until... today. The last day of the season, the one other active manager (probably seeing that he won't get promoted) left and joined a different league. Nobody got promoted from below (I assume because promotions got froze, because one driver had a lot of points.)
So - out of frustration, wouldn't it be better to have promotions done in another way? Especially right now where the game seems to have a lot of inactive players.
I know I'm new and wouldn't stand a chance against the others in Elite, but still a little annoyed right now.

Warren Wilding medal 5000 10 years 267 days ago
I second this as I was the winner of the Pro Tier this season in the same league as David and for all my efforts, I'm stuck in Pro for another year due to some cretin throwing their toys out of the pram on the last day. I'm raging right now!!

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 10 years 267 days ago
We don't actually hear things like this happening often, it's very rare, but I can imagine it's frustrating. We can't force anyone out to promote you, but if your host is aware of inactive Elite managers that should be kicked, then I'd be willing to manually promote you both in their place.
I have PM'd your host to see if there is any possibility of this. Unfortunately I can't guarantee anything, but I can try this at least as I appreciate how frustrating this must be.

Warren Wilding medal 5000 10 years 266 days ago (edited 10 years 266 days ago)
Hi Jack,
That's very much appreciated.. Fingers crossed..
There seem to be 6-8 inactive teams in Elite.
We are both very keen and regular players so I hope the host would see that we would be an asset to the league.

David Parker medal 5042 10 years 266 days ago
Thanks Jack. I do believe this may be something to think about though; especially, as I said above, with fewer active managers. Kicking managers from Pro/Rookie is actually a bad thing solely because it stops people getting promoted. Perhaps a formula based on the number of active managers rather than simply minimum 8.
Also, now I've had a day to think, I should probably apologise to the other manager. He _has_ since sent a message saying he wasn't aware that this would happen (I do believe him, it isn't obvious and as you say Jack, hasn't been heard of before.)

Martin Ward medal 5000 10 years 265 days ago
Hi Guys - have identified a couple of inactive players, so Jack can promote you. I have messaged Jack with their names so fingers crossed hae can get this sorted for you.

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 10 years 265 days ago
Ok guys, that's all sorted now. A bit last minute, but enjoy your race (in Elite) tonight!

David Parker medal 5042 10 years 265 days ago
Fantastic! Can't thank you enough!
However, I still think that for newer drivers this may be a problem in the future where leagues have more active players in Elite but not below.

Michael Morrison medal 5000 10 years 204 days ago
Heres an idea to help with that problem:
Could it be possible to set tiers to run 2 cars instead of 1 or vice versa?

Austin William medal 5000 10 years 196 days ago
I imagine that wouldn't work; what happens when your tier runs two drivers per team and you get promoted (same league) into a tier that only allows one driver?

David Parker medal 5042 10 years 194 days ago (edited 10 years 194 days ago)
Ok, after what happened above I was thinking about this and did a 'promotions' excel sheet to test the logic.
Basically, promotions would be geared towards getting everyone in the top league as quick as possible, but once that league was full, would revert to a max of three promotions (standard).
I did this by taking into considerations the total teams [TOTALTEAMS] in the whole league League not found or inactive