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medal 5483
3 years 343 days ago
Mivel próbálkoztál?
I had a problem that when you click on the game icon for a half moment to throw blackness (the screen jumps one) and drop it back on the game icon, I deleted the cache and the application data, but it didn't solve it, then I deleted the game and reinstalled it. for a short time and produced this again. I uninstalled and reinstalled it again now the error came up again.

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További hozzászólások:
medal 5000
3 years 343 days ago
It does this occasionally on my iPhone too.
The only way to fix it for me is to close the app, restart the phone and open the app again.
I assumed it was a memory issue with the phone as it is an older version
medal 5671 Community Manager
3 years 343 days ago

We’ve very few reports coming, we’re now investigating it. I will write once I’ve updates about this issue. I apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
medal 5671 Community Manager
3 years 343 days ago

We’ve detected this is a global issue on android system. We aren’t getting much information from official sources. Unfortunately the ball isn’t in our roof, we’ll need to wait and minimise the damage caused.
medal 5483
3 years 342 days ago
Thank you very much!
I managed to find an Android update and I also updated Chrome since then it works fine!

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