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Different strategy every seasn

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medal 5000
3 years 307 days ago
Imho this game became quite boring when the best players use the same pit stop strategy every race. Due to that the final result mostly depends on quali position, so it's quite random.

I wish to have a game where every season there are new base value (random between certain values) for fuel consumption, tyre consumption and optimal range temperature. As a conseguence we have to manage them finding the new best strategy.

We had an example of what i mean due the 3d update that unvolontary changed tyre and fuel consumption per lap, meaning that we have to adapt the strategy to the new data we see in the setup laps.

Do you'd like? 
medal 5000
3 years 306 days ago
I like a bit of randomness, but the top players don't. Find the optimal strategy and use it.

Part of the problem is the car design is very one sided and the optimal strategy doesn't change with the weather. Unless it's Wet!

Then there is the car setup, same season after season, it should be randomized so that it's never the same car setup and there's no ideal setup purchasing available. 

There is no extra tyre or fuel usage because of tyres or engine heating up following another car for too long. But maybe it could be added.

Who knows anything anymore!

I asked the CEO about wheel to wheel racing years ago & he said that's a pipe dream.
medal 5000
3 years 305 days ago
I would be all for this, the last race I did at Malaysia was a good amount shorter than usual, and with no data for anyone to use, 3 different strategies were in the top 4 in a 50% race. Would be nice to see more of this.
medal 5000
3 years 304 days ago

I like a bit of randomness, but the top players don't. Find the optimal strategy and use it.

Part of the problem is the car design is very one sided and the optimal strategy doesn't change with the weather. Unless it's Wet!

Then there is the car setup, same season after season, it should be randomized so that it's never the same car setup and there's no ideal setup purchasing available. 

There is no extra tyre or fuel usage because of tyres or engine heating up following another car for too long. But maybe it could be added.

Who knows anything anymore!

I asked the CEO about wheel to wheel racing years ago & he said that's a pipe dream.

Yeah there a lot of things they can do to pull out all the potential this game have... But i doubt the devs wants to take this direction... And franckly from the outside i don't understand their business model to keep the game alive 

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