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2D/3D Race Viewer - Reminder that you have a choice

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medal 5441 CEO & CTO
3 years 328 days ago (Last edited by Jack Basford 3 years 328 days ago)
As many of you will have noticed today, we added a prompt to the home page to set 2D or 3D mode on your account. This was done to raise awareness that we are keeping 2D support and it was always the plan. We always knew many people would still like to play in 2D, but some of those people didn't realise that we still offer the choice and that it was in their settings all along. This should help to bring clarity so that everyone understands 2D will remain a part of iGP Manager alongside 3D.

Anyone can play in the mode of their choice and switch between the two whenever they want via the settings page.

EDIT: Also worth noting:

  1. The 'Map' mode in 3D is there to provide an overview while in 3D mode. It is not a replacement for the 2D viewer, which was another common misunderstanding.

  2. Old versions of the 2D app will not display races correctly. Cars will warp all over the place and drive at the wrong speeds. You must be on the latest version of the app for 2D to work correctly. We've also seen some reviews still on old versions of the app (3.xx) trying to use this to play in 2D. This is not a solution. The proper solution is to get the latest version and switch to 2D mode if that is what you want.

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