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Automatic Promotion

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medal 5000
3 years 305 days ago
Hi, so Im currently frustrtated with the fact that, I cant get to Elite, because of the fact our current pro teir has 15 drivers, but needs 16 to be eligble for promotion. 

In order to maintain peoples activness, I am suggesting the following tweak to the eligability rules.

Instead of current half of the league must be full, it should be changed to every season the top 3 for that teir advance, and the bottom three always get demoted (Its like the system the many European Soccer Leagues use), this makes it so that people want to play IGP manager because its based around race systems, and less on driver and player level. 

If you have any question on what this all means, just comment them below
medal 5000
3 years 305 days ago
I'm gonna go ahead and assume this became a thing in the first place to make it so you couldn't just have 2 teams in a league and get to elite in 2 seasons by default.
medal 5000 Super Mod
3 years 305 days ago
Yes Richard, this is one reason but the 50% rule also tries to encourage people to join existing leagues rather than create yet more.

The problem at the moment is people start playing the game and a few days later they create a league. If instead of creating a league they were to compete in an existing one they would engage with other managers, learn more about the game and reduce the load on the servers.

You only have to look at the number of poorly populated leagues and the enormous number of dummy filler accounts (to enable promotion) to realise this isn't working.
medal 5007
3 years 304 days ago
Isn’t there anyway of just closing the non active leagues? If a league host is not detected it should automatically close the league
medal 4981
3 years 304 days ago

Isn’t there anyway of just closing the non active leagues? If a league host is not detected it should automatically close the league

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