Nathaniel Andrews medal 5149 3 years 341 days ago
Just give us the whole game back, yes it had it flaws,. But this game broken. I can't even join the race on my phone anymore. In stead of fixing issues we wanted fixing your made your game even more broken. Please listen to the players that play your game and spent their hard eared money on it over the years.

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 3 years 341 days ago
If you are playing in the app: Please restart the app and try again. If it doesn't work then follow these instructions:
Click on your profile photo in the game
Click Settings (the cog icon)
Click 'Clear cache' and the checkmark to confirm.
If you are playing on web then try a hard refresh (CTRL+F5 on igpmanager.com/app) or clear browser cache.

Herbie Rides Again medal 5007 3 years 341 days ago
None of the above works for me or most of the league I’m in ?. I doubt we will bother next week

Skid Solo medal 5295 3 years 341 days ago
Now the game is disconnected completely if I try on my iPad?