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LIVE: Potential fix. Home & Strategy page app crashes

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medal 5446 CEO & CTO
3 years 330 days ago (Last edited by Jack Basford 3 years 330 days ago)
A few reports have come in since 3D launch that the game was crashing within 10-30 seconds of launch or on the 'next race' page when preparing setup and strategy. After looking in to it I determined that the most likely cause was the track preview image, which had changed ever so slightly in that it had increased resolution relative to before 3D launch.

It seems some devices simply couldn't handle the slightly higher res images being served and crashed. I've now reduced the image back to the resolution that it was before, and hopefully this will resolve these issues for everyone who was experiencing them. This was nothing we saw in testing, even on low-end devices (and we test with very low-end devices), but each phone and tablet has a specific chipset and software versions that can make problems like this unique to certain devices.

I'll leave this thread open so that we can collect more feedback on this. Please let any friends know who were having the app crash on them while browsing around the management screens such as the home or next race page. We need their feedback to know that the fix has worked, because we don't have any devices that do this.
medal 5000
3 years 330 days ago
sometimes the app opens in web UI, I cant do anything
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