Tolga Gökşin medal 5754 3 years 339 days ago
Hello all, I need an advise and help. I can't see my staff (pilots or trchnical) on sale in the transfer list. I have a pilot on sale for open bid (talented 20, level 14) and this is the third time that he did not received any offer. It is suprising me and I can not see him in the sale list. Any idea or experience about that? Thanks

Tolga Gökşin medal 5754 3 years 337 days ago
Hi, really no one knows why staffs I try to sell are not listed under the transfer's list?

Chris π medal 5000 3 years 337 days ago
The transfer page system is not really the best or at least not clear. If you sell your drivers via auction, you will not get the profits of the highest bid anyway, it doesn't matter how much they sell for. So I would just choose "sell now" and forget about the driver or staff.

Tolga Gökşin medal 5754 3 years 337 days ago
I'm ok for not receiving the price of highest bid but "sell now" option is usually half price of the starting price of the open bid and if a bidding occurs, you receive the starting amount whatever is the highest bid. But I emphisis for not seeing my driver on sale in the list. Anyway, thanks Chris :)

Chris π medal 5000 3 years 337 days ago
Yeah sorry, I didn't really adress the thing you were asking about. I have experienced the same thing. That I could not always see the staff/drivers in the transfer market after trying to auction them. Me and my real life friend could also not find the same staff/drivers in the transfer list. We were speaking on the phone and comparing drivers and staff, and realized that some of them only showed up for one of us. But yeah since you do not get any money for auctioning anyway, I stopped bothering about it and just use "sell now" :P

Tolga Gökşin medal 5754 3 years 337 days ago
I will do it my friend. Each day I pay him nearly the difference between "sell now" and "auction" as salary ??? Thank you Chris...