From what I saw by looking at my league today. The percentage is pretty much dead on. I think the only error would be a rounding error from it rounding .5 up to 1
it is dead on, as I said, it can be 1 off at times because of rounding, that's why I'd like to know the exact value, because it does matter, that's the only reason I want to know it
As far as I know it is not possible to get the exact value. As you say the strongest marker is an integer percentage value and therefore with a range of 1-200 it can represent one of two numbers.
Being a "glass half empty" sort of person I always assume the lower number which means very occasionally I get a surprise bonus research point.
yeah that's my problem basically, if I can't know it exactly then I'll just stay at measuring it with my eyes as they are, I can just look at the bars and guess, it's just not worth the effort to start calculating things if I don't have exact inputs anyways