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Driver Experience

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medal 5057
3 years 327 days ago (Last edited by James Richardson 3 years 327 days ago)
What did you try to do?
Driver not getting experience from quick races?

What happened instead?
After multiple quick races my driver’s experience hasn’t increased

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What is the model of your device?
Iphone 11

What is the operating system?

What is the version number of the operating system?

Can the bug be reproduced?

Additional comments:
Before update I was doing a load of quick races and his experience went up 3 in a week, since the update I have still been doing quick races and his experience hasn’t gone up at all, just a bug?

Also to add, I’ve noticed my engine and car haven’t been going down from quick races either?

Best Solution -- Selected by John Doe

medal 5743 Moderator
3 years 327 days ago
Hello James,

Now, drivers do not get experience from quick races. This feature is currently disabled along with engines, parts wear and drivers health.
medal 5000
3 years 327 days ago
I add that health no longer decreases... so maybe the two things are related
medal 5743 Moderator
3 years 327 days ago
Hello James,

Now, drivers do not get experience from quick races. This feature is currently disabled along with engines, parts wear and drivers health.
medal 5057
3 years 327 days ago

Hello James,

Now, drivers do not get experience from quick races. This feature is currently disabled along with engines, parts wear and drivers health.

How long for? And apart from league races, is there anyway for them to gain experience? If I put in a driver with experience 6 into a league race I’m probably not going to win in my league, plus with just league races it’ll take ages to get their experience to 20? So I guess just gotta wait and spend wages on him until it’s sorted or use him and not be as competitive for 5 seasons?

medal 5743 Moderator
3 years 327 days ago
You can only gain experience during league races. Driver's experience increases by 1 point every ten league races they take part in.
Don't worry, this attribute is not important. Driver experience doesn't seem to do very much and you can still win races with exp 6, even if you are racing in a tough league.
medal 5057
3 years 327 days ago

You can only gain experience during league races. Driver's experience increases by 1 point every ten league races they take part in.
Don't worry, this attribute is not important. Driver experience doesn't seem to do very much and you can still win races with exp 6, even if you are racing in a tough league.

So with my 16 race seasons it’ll take another 9 seasons nearly! And I find experience seems to have a larger effect in wet weather

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