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Formation lap...

Should there be a formation lap before the start of the race?

30% (18)
Yes! No restrictions!
11.67% (7)
Yes, but start with cold tyres...
3.33% (2)
Yes, but with tyre wear.
0% (0)
Yes, only in wet.
0% (0)
Yes, only in the dry.
6.67% (4)
Yes, with all restrictions!
41.67% (25)
6.67% (4)
No answer to say...
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medal 5000
3 years 299 days ago (Last edited by Jimmy Richard 3 years 299 days ago)
I would suggest a formation lap before the race begins, in which they line up to the grid, but do a formation lap to heat their tyres up, then go back to the grid. Six of the choices have their own restrictions for the formation lap. Only in the wet and dry in my opinion should be chose by the manager who manages the league.
medal 4991
3 years 298 days ago
I would like to see formation lap as option and as lap without any changes in tyre temperature, tyre and part wear, fuel consumption and driver energy, only change being in weather because weather in game is same as IRL. I would like to see why some people don't want formation lap at all, just to get perspective from other side.
medal 5000
3 years 298 days ago
I would like to see formation lap as option and as lap without any changes in tyre temperature, tyre and part wear, fuel consumption and driver energy, only change being in weather because weather in game is same as IRL. I would like to see why some people don't want formation lap at all, just to get perspective from other side.

I just don't really see the point in it, dont think it would add anything to the game, devs could better spend that energy somewhere else
medal 5000
3 years 297 days ago

I would like to see formation lap as option and as lap without any changes in tyre temperature, tyre and part wear, fuel consumption and driver energy, only change being in weather because weather in game is same as IRL. I would like to see why some people don't want formation lap at all, just to get perspective from other side.

I just don't really see the point in it, dont think it would add anything to the game, devs could better spend that energy somewhere else

Indeed, plus I cant expect all managers to have to be there a few minutes prior to race. 

medal 5000 Moderator
3 years 296 days ago
Just doing that lap would only add more waiting time to look at a really slow lap and thus mostly disabled very quickly, as in case of possibly changing weather the managers can't even join later as being able to change tyres during the lap would look stupid.

If there's a tactical choice combined with it like choosing to heat the tyres to shoot off from the grid, but drawbacks of higher wear during the lap and obviously no room to push after the first corner, balanced as now with medium wear and more room to push and finally going cold risking a bad start due to not that much grip, but least wear and tyres being nicely warm to push when everyone else has to back off or go cooking, then it'd might add something, but not sure if it'd be worth it.
medal 5000
3 years 288 days ago

Just doing that lap would only add more waiting time to look at a really slow lap and thus mostly disabled very quickly, as in case of possibly changing weather the managers can't even join later as being able to change tyres during the lap would look stupid.

If there's a tactical choice combined with it like choosing to heat the tyres to shoot off from the grid, but drawbacks of higher wear during the lap and obviously no room to push after the first corner, balanced as now with medium wear and more room to push and finally going cold risking a bad start due to not that much grip, but least wear and tyres being nicely warm to push when everyone else has to back off or go cooking, then it'd might add something, but not sure if it'd be worth it.

You did make a good point about strategy in the formation lap.

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