Jimmy Richard medal 5000 3 years 338 days ago (Last edited by
Jimmy Richard 3 years 335 days ago)
After the 3D update, I've already thought of rumors about a 4D iGP Manager update that hypothetically, could release from the range of 2024-2029. I think it should be added in that time period... More rumors about 4D?
If you have any type of rumor, say it below, or what 4D should be for iGP Manager itself.
These are the tracks that could be for 4D at launch:
Singapore, Brazil, USA, Australia, Bahrain, and Azerbaijan.
Now, most people say 4D for iGP Manager won't happen, making iGP stay a viable 3D racing platform.

Slo Bro medal 5000 3 years 338 days ago
Rumour is, Bugman created an entirely new game. It’s named “life” and its full of bugs.

Boris Uroshnokov medal 5000 3 years 337 days ago
After the 3D update, I've already thought of rumors about a 4D iGP Manager update that hypothetically, could release from the range of 2024-2029. I think it should be added in that time period... More rumors about 4D?
If you have any type of rumor, say it below, or what 4D should be for iGP Manager itself.
I don't think 4D is even like a thing that could happen in s mobile game lmao

Slo Bro medal 5000 3 years 337 days ago
After the 3D update, I've already thought of rumors about a 4D iGP Manager update that hypothetically, could release from the range of 2024-2029. I think it should be added in that time period... More rumors about 4D?
If you have any type of rumor, say it below, or what 4D should be for iGP Manager itself.
I don't think 4D is even like a thing that could happen in s mobile game lmao
Yeah sure it’s possible, for instance in a rainy race, you would only need another person to pour water over you during the race while spreading the fume of burned rubber