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In progress
Stuck in Quick Race

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medal 5000
3 years 322 days ago
Što ste pokušali učiniti?
Log out, log in again.. Wait for window to close by itself.
Log on pc, log on mobile

Što se dogodilo?
I am stuck in quick race whic ended.

Je li se problem dogodio dok ste koristili Wi-Fi, mobilne podatke ili oboje?

Je li se bug dogodio u aplikaciji, na računalu ili oboje?

Koji je vaš operativni sustav?
Windows 10

U kojem ste pregledniku naišli problem?
Chrome, Firefox

Može li se buba reproducirati?

Dodatni Komentari:
medal 5000
3 years 322 days ago
Hi Adil,

I just checked, it looks like the problem is fixed.
You are no longer stuck in QR.
Same for Fynn Schramm
medal 5000
3 years 322 days ago
Hello Fynn.

Thank you for your response, but the problem is still there, its not solved ... 
Can't enter Public or Private lobby.
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