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Question: Driver Talent...

What is the talent score for your drivers (number one driver)? I've seen 1 talent drivers very often, and I'm curious.

73.68% (14)
20 to17
0% (0)
16 to13
0% (0)
12 to 10
5.26% (1)
9 to 6
5.26% (1)
0% (0)
10.53% (2)
0% (0)
0% (0)
5.26% (1)
0 (rare in iGP Manager)
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medal 5000
3 years 317 days ago (Last edited by Jimmy Richard 3 years 317 days ago)
I've been curious about the talent of drivers, since I've seen a bunch load of 1 talent drivers. This got me asking, "Why are there so many 1 talent drivers, often as other talents like 20?". So, what is the talent of your drivers and how often of the same talent? Don't lie about it! I'm curious of all talents being how much often managers have with. Hint: If you forgot the talent, check your first driver.

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medal 5444 Super Mod
3 years 317 days ago

On my Level 20 Team, I only use drivers who are level 20. 

When you are at a low manager level, talent isn't as useful (the drivers aren't fully trained) but as you get to the top-end of the level scale, ideally all of your drivers need to be T20
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