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Race crash

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medal 5000
3 years 320 days ago
Que vouliez-vous faire ?
We are playing on Brazil track yesterday (20:00 French time)

Que s'est-il finalement passé ?
Before the mid race; the game crash
It was impossible to connect on the server
(For all the players)

Est-ce que le problème est survenu quand vous utilisiez le Wifi, l'internet mobile ou les deux ?

Est-ce que le bug s'est produit dans l'application, sur PC ou les deux ?

Quel est le modèle de votre appareil ?

Quel est le système d'exploitation ?

Quel est le numéro de version de votre système d'exploitation ?

Quel est le système d'exploitation de votre PC ?

Dans quel navigateur avez-vous rencontré le problème ?

Que vouliez-vous faire ?
I don’t’ know

Commentaires supplémentaires :
The same race in Pro division was fine
medal 5000
3 years 318 days ago
we replayed at Brazil tonight and THE SAME BUG, exactly happened, exactly at the same moment : At 24-25 lap there is a freeze
medal 5000
3 years 318 days ago

we replayed at Brazil tonight and THE SAME BUG, exactly happened, exactly at the same moment : At 24-25 lap there is a freeze

Probably best to discard Brazil completely, as the bug has re occurred. They can delete the results of the Brazilian GP ?
medal 5000
3 years 288 days ago
I would like to report that this bug has returned 5 times since Jordane’s message... and on many GP (recently Austria 5/11, Abu Dhabi 5/12, , Japan 5/13)

is this bug known? are you looking for the problem?

many players take a more or less definitive break because of this bug which prevents us from playing normally

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