Thomas Veidt medal 5000 3 years 330 days ago
Hey, I like the fact, that there is auto-boost, bit sometimes I just dont have the time to play the game live, and i just want to watch, if the fuel and pushlevel is enough, but at that point, auto-boost stops, which results in a major disadvantage. It would be amazing, if the auto-boost just continues after you leave

Sergiy Nevidomo medal 5574 3 years 328 days ago
You mean you can turn on bots when you're online and you can just watch if I didn't get it right? ?

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 3 years 328 days ago
@Sergiy. My understanding is that he doesn't have time to manage the entire race so he logs on briefly part way through the race to check PL/Tyre temp and fuel strategy and then logs off again. The fact that he's been on line means that AI is now disabled and any remaining boost won't be used.
@Thomas. In the past AI used to automatically become active if you left the race. This was changed because of complaints from managers who became disconnected unintentionally only to come back on line to find AI had used all of their boost whilst they were disconnected.
Ideally there would be a toggle (maybe on the race viewer settings) where you could enable AI and then log off again. This would also require AS to become enabled in case weather changed.

Thomas Veidt medal 5000 3 years 328 days ago
Thanks for the Information! I will do that next time.