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Disciplinarian action?

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medal 5386
3 years 69 days ago
This weekend a now former member in “my” league is being a complete ..... 

Justin Lee from South Africa.

He kept ranting that hard I had to delete certain messages, you do not call people sore losers.
You do not state what he did.

Please contact the guy and ask him what his grunt is.

We postpone races on racedays in F1, Indy500, leMans, always tried to, sometimes you mess up as admin, you are only human.

He claims I do it like a baby, for selfish reasons, bla bla bla.

He left, I didnt have to kick him, but it is a childish display I do not tolerate.
You play for fun! Or you do not

Kind regards,
medal 5008 Community Manager
3 years 69 days ago

I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. I’ve let my moderators know about. A mod will contact you today and solve this situation. Thank you very much. 😊
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