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New retirement cause (engine)

Should there be retirements of engine failure, when a team doesn't replace their engine for a long time (inactive)?

32% (8)
Yes! Anyone can have it!
36% (9)
Yes, but only for managers who are inactive and are not replacing their engines.
28% (7)
4% (1)
I don't know.
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medal 5000
3 years 283 days ago (Last edited by Jimmy Richard 3 years 283 days ago)
I suggest another retirement feature, called an engine failure, in which anyone could get it, and/or a manager didn't replace his engine often or is inactive. But, what do you think?

In retiring, parts causes suspension failure, while a worn engine causes engine failure. If you get both, you have the Double Trouble.
medal 5000
3 years 283 days ago
An inactive managers’ car already retires because of parts not beeing fixed, can’t see how engine retirement would be an improvement.
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