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New Nascar Game?

45.45% (15)
Yes Nascar
54.55% (18)
No Nascar
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medal 5000
3 years 281 days ago
Nascar is my favorite sport, and I apologize if I’m wrong but I don’t think there are any Nascar managers. Saying this is a great game, I believe that iGP has great potential, and could create this. Anyone agree?
medal 5000
3 years 281 days ago
I am not against it but it will probably it will have to be a separate app (sorry if you already meant that) which means more complications about many things. i dont know how they would do this but nor do i know about what and what isnt within iGP's reach if you know what i mean
medal 5000
3 years 281 days ago
This could be a good suggestion for a future iGP. Right now the company is (probably) too small to start releasing and maintaining another version of the game.
medal 5000
3 years 281 days ago

This could be a good suggestion for a future iGP. Right now the company is (probably) too small to start releasing and maintaining another version of the game.

Totally agree

medal 5000
3 years 281 days ago
Something I do want to see at some point is this game having multiple series like NASCAR, but I think they gotta get the 3d update mostly bug-free first, and focus on a few other things before putting more big stuff into the game
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