I think u have to distinguish between wet race throughout and changing condition. A race with constantly 3.7mm is a snore fest. But starting dry, then up to 1.5mm and then drying again is exciting!
I’ve obviously not had the same experience as the OP as far as rain goes.
In over 400 races over 2 accounts I’ve experienced lots of rain affected races. Some are rain from start to finish bore fests, in others I’ve every possible combination (rain at start, changes to dry; rain to dry to rain; dry to rain; dry to rain to dry; and races where the rain level starts low, goes above 3mm and then falls below etc). In fact in winter not only is rain common in European races I even experienced snow in December!
I beleive using real time weather is more like real F1 where teams make a strategy judgement based on likelihood of rain. Its not difficult to do as there are plenty of hourly weather forecast sites availalbe in addition to Dark Skies so I would not want to see this change implemented.
I like the lottery of irl weather. It makes you have to think. Especially if it starts raining 5 minutes before a race and stops 15 minutes later, for example...