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Bring back downvotes

Who wants downvotes back on here?

84.42% (65)
15.58% (12)
Not me
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medal 5640
3 years 312 days ago
I know that the devs are trying to be positive Petes on the forum.  But we all need a way to quickly say that certain comments are not good ideas.  I think that downvotes should be bought back.
medal 5000
3 years 312 days ago
I agree. I realise that some managers can use it in unnecessarily negative ways, but surely the individuals are the problem, not the system. Not only is it useful for showing that we don't like an idea etc, it is useful for telling whether a comment is liked or controversial. A controversial comment may have 20 likes, but also 20 dislikes, but we can't tell the difference with only upvotes
medal 5000
3 years 312 days ago

I know that the devs are trying to be positive Petes on the forum.  But we all need a way to quickly say that certain comments are not good ideas.  I think that downvotes should be bought back.

If you don’t like an idea, there’s the option to type a text and say why you dislike a certain post.

I get why it’s taken off, it’s a door to abuse they shut
medal 5000
3 years 312 days ago


I know that the devs are trying to be positive Petes on the forum.  But we all need a way to quickly say that certain comments are not good ideas.  I think that downvotes should be bought back.

If you don’t like an idea, there’s the option to type a text and say why you dislike a certain post.

I get why it’s taken off, it’s a door to abuse they shut

Down vote for this ??

medal 5041
3 years 312 days ago
Why don't we get to type why we like a comment as well. If we must give reason for a disliking a comment then we should give reason for liking as well imo
medal 5000
3 years 311 days ago
Why don't we get to type why we like a comment as well. If we must give reason for a disliking a comment then we should give reason for liking as well imo

That option exists as well. It’s typing a message and posting as you did just now

medal 5004
3 years 311 days ago



I know that the devs are trying to be positive Petes on the forum.  But we all need a way to quickly say that certain comments are not good ideas.  I think that downvotes should be bought back.

If you don’t like an idea, there’s the option to type a text and say why you dislike a certain post.

I get why it’s taken off, it’s a door to abuse they shut

Down vote for this ??

Disagree, they’re needed, it’s a 25 to 5 vote so most players disagree with you, I downvote your post
medal 5000
3 years 311 days ago



I know that the devs are trying to be positive Petes on the forum.  But we all need a way to quickly say that certain comments are not good ideas.  I think that downvotes should be bought back.

If you don’t like an idea, there’s the option to type a text and say why you dislike a certain post.

I get why it’s taken off, it’s a door to abuse they shut

Down vote for this ??

Disagree, they’re needed, it’s a 25 to 5 vote so most players disagree with you, I downvote your post

I don’t mind. You have your opinion I have mine.

But actually by typing your message you just proved that the downvote button can be replaced by a message telling that you downvote ?
medal 5000
3 years 311 days ago
The disabling of downvotes gets a BIG downvote from me. Now people can say whatever they want and nobody is able to disagree without having to write an explanation. And if you want to get a clear picture of what people think about a certain post then you have to read the entire thread and have a score card to sum it up manually. 

All you sensitive soy boys that can't handle a downvote should stop using internet.

I purposely wrote the previous sentence the way I did because I know a lot of people will dislike it, in particularly those that want downvotes to be gone, but I can only get upvotes so the joke is on you ;)
medal 5000
3 years 311 days ago
I don’t agree with you Chris, if you want a clear view, put up a poll, there’s your scorecard right there.

I truly think getting rid of downvotes is a part of the game growing up, from allowing downvoter bully-like behaviour to a more mature form of discussion where one uses arguments instead of downvotes.

Lets face it guys, the downvotes can be used to bully someone and I do believe there are childish managers about who abuse this.

There are other manners to show you don’t like a suggestion, I’d say grow up and use your words but that’s just my opinion
medal 4976
3 years 311 days ago
Tbh I understand the frustration from the igp devs because i've seen several posts from them where they were for example just giving info and still received a lot of dislikes even though they didn't really say anything wrong in that specific post.
But that said, this doesn't fix the problem, you're just trying to hide it. Especially in the league wall, that's just so stupid: It's the host's duty to keep a league clean. If a troll is annoying people in your league then your duty as a host is to tell them to behave or GTFO, ain't that hard really. Maybe make "likes" and "dislikes" public so that people know who is disliking their comments if they feel it that personal?? (better advice: don't let a simple button hurt you like wtf?)
Best advice i can give to anyone reading this, if you feel harassed because some random guy on the internet "dislikes" your comments, you may as well log off the internet forever, go see a psychiatrist, and don't ever deal with strangers lmao. First world problems i swear (obviously it'd be different if someone was spamming your DMs etc, but i don't think that's the case here).

All you sensitive soy boys that can't handle a downvote should stop using internet.

Uh hello based department??

I don’t agree with you Chris, if you want a clear view, put up a poll, there’s your scorecard right there.

I truly think getting rid of downvotes is a part of the game growing up, from allowing downvoter bully-like behaviour to a more mature form of discussion where one uses arguments instead of downvotes.

Lets face it guys, the downvotes can be used to bully someone and I do believe there are childish managers about who abuse this.

There are other manners to show you don’t like a suggestion, I’d say grow up and use your words but that’s just my opinion

I agree with your last sentence but disagree with your premise. Let's be honest, who's childish here, the one kiddo that has nothing better to do than targeting a random individual on the internet, or the snowflake who gets their feefees hurt because a stranger pressed a simple button? The answer to that is both; both have to grow up, even though they won't. One has to make a better usage of the like/dislike button and the other doesn't have to get triggered just because a stranger doesn't like what they're saying.

People who have meaningful arguments will always try to elaborate, so in the end why does a single button cause so much drama?

But yeah, since we're in the "suggestions" part of the forum, i suggest one the following:
1- as i stated earlier: making likes/dislikes public; that probably would make people think about why they're disliking or liking a post before they actually press the button, and if they're disliking a post then they may be more prone to elaborate on why they disagree with said post.
2- when you're disliking a post, maybe make it open a new dialog in which people give their reasons on why they're disliking it? so that they put more effort in saying the reason why they're doing that, even if it just ends up being "Nah that post is dumb"
3- If a thumb up/down triggers you, change the design of the button so that it can better represent how a post is helpful or not helpful? (since these aren't supposed to be r*ddit upvotes thankfully). For example change the thumbs to a green check and a red cross or something like that idk.

Finally, idk why the thumbs up isn't being removed, afterall trolls can also use it to like their own comments and boost their ego or give the impression that they're right lmao. And now with that said, i'm gonna proceed to like my own comment with my 50 alt accounts :) thx for reading my wall of text
medal 5000
3 years 311 days ago

Very well written. I made a longer post earlier but had a race coming up so had to pause it. You basically covered everything I wanted to, but presented it much better than I could.  I agree with you on everything completely. 

Oh, and here comes three thumbs up from 3 of my accounts ;)
medal 5640
3 years 311 days ago

I know that the devs are trying to be positive Petes on the forum.  But we all need a way to quickly say that certain comments are not good ideas.  I think that downvotes should be bought back.

If you don’t like an idea, there’s the option to type a text and say why you dislike a certain post.

I get why it’s taken off, it’s a door to abuse they shut

I do understand what you are saying, Slo.  I also, fundamentally agree fully with it.  

There is also the juxtaposition of people not having time to comment when they are just browsing the forum.  Thus needing a quick means of showing opinion, in both directions.  Downvotes were good for that.

I also fully understand that removing downvotes is a strong means to counter cyberbullying.  Some comments on this thread may be showing how that may still occur without downvotes and can get more upsetting and snarky than a downvote can be.  I am NOT condoning cyberbullying here, at all!  I am just trying to say that, maybe managable things, like downvotes may be more easily policed than the unpredictability of words.

I seem to be rambling on here, so I will leave it at that...
medal 5000
3 years 311 days ago
Downvotes are needed as a way to deal with the large number of suggestion posts that are just flat-out terrible. In an ideal world you'd respond to each of them with a clear an thought through comment, but in practice you've had enough after the 4th one and just wish they'd stop. Downvotes are a good way to quickly show your disagreement with a post without cluttering up the thread with countless comments just saying 'That's rubbish!' or similar.
medal 5000
3 years 311 days ago
In my league some idiot was putting thumbs down to every post in the League Chat area, every single post, even a question. To test it, I posted and said Good Morning, I hope you all have a nice day. It got a thumb down. 
So, maybe they're needed here, but I for one am glad it's been removed from the League area.
Maybe it could be an option in the league settiings for the host to allow both ? and ?
medal 5640
3 years 311 days ago
Allow me to tell you all the actual reason that I put this vote on here.  

The reason is basically a lack of communication before it happened.  If a developer or moderator were to have said thatcthey were going to remove downvotes for whatever reasons, before they did it and allowed everybody to have their say, then I may have been in favour of doing it.  Instead, it seems to have just happened. And that can annoy people whom were used to it being that way from the start.  So I thought that I would try to prove a point.  Apart from no official moderator or developer comments, that I am still expecting, things seem to be going on as expected...
medal 5000
3 years 311 days ago

In my league some idiot was putting thumbs down to every post in the League Chat area, every single post, even a question. To test it, I posted and said Good Morning, I hope you all have a nice day. It got a thumb down. 
So, maybe they're needed here, but I for one am glad it's been removed from the League area.
Maybe it could be an option in the league settiings for the host to allow both ? and ?

Surely that's a problem with the person and not the system? I think it would be better to let hosts see who likes and dislikes posts, then they can take appropriate action if needed. This feels unnecessary as there are other solutions to dealing with trolls (although require more active moderation) that do not affect the average manager's ability to express their feelings in a simple way
medal 5084 Super Mod
3 years 311 days ago
Dear all.

I think it's important you understand the role of a moderator. We are gamers just like the rest of you with limited additional powers on the forum to assist the iGP team in keeping things under control and policing inappropriate behaviour. We are volunteers and although we have slightly more interaction with the Devs than standard users we are not regularly informed by iGP staff of upcoming changes.

So this change was as big a surprise to me as it was to you.

Personally I can see why it was done, I understand both sides of the argument and on balance I agree with the removal of downvotes. They don't bother me, some of my posts have attracted many thumbs down but I'm OK with that, it would be a boring world if we all agreed on everything. But they can be used to bully people who are more sensitive and vulnerable than me so for this reason I agree with the removal.

Is that official enough? LOL
medal 5640
3 years 310 days ago
Dear all.

I think it's important you understand the role of a moderator. We are gamers just like the rest of you with limited additional powers on the forum to assist the iGP team in keeping things under control and policing inappropriate behaviour. We are volunteers and although we have slightly more interaction with the Devs than standard users we are not regularly informed by iGP staff of upcoming changes.

So this change was as big a surprise to me as it was to you.

Personally I can see why it was done, I understand both sides of the argument and on balance I agree with the removal of downvotes. They don't bother me, some of my posts have attracted many thumbs down but I'm OK with that, it would be a boring world if we all agreed on everything. But they can be used to bully people who are more sensitive and vulnerable than me so for this reason I agree with the removal.

Is that official enough? LOL

Sorry Kevin and all other moderators on here.

That comment of mine became a bit too much of a rant and was not good form on my part.  I should have said, only, that it would have been nice to have been made aware of the change, before it came into effect.  Maybe, with a clear rationale (reasoning) behind it as well.
medal 5000
3 years 307 days ago

Dear all.

I think it's important you understand the role of a moderator. We are gamers just like the rest of you with limited additional powers on the forum to assist the iGP team in keeping things under control and policing inappropriate behaviour. We are volunteers and although we have slightly more interaction with the Devs than standard users we are not regularly informed by iGP staff of upcoming changes.

So this change was as big a surprise to me as it was to you.

Personally I can see why it was done, I understand both sides of the argument and on balance I agree with the removal of downvotes. They don't bother me, some of my posts have attracted many thumbs down but I'm OK with that, it would be a boring world if we all agreed on everything. But they can be used to bully people who are more sensitive and vulnerable than me so for this reason I agree with the removal.

Is that official enough? LOL

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