Marc Royster medal 5000 13 years 71 days ago
Race ID: 4372
Got kicked out of 2d, now it says race not open and live timing seems to be frozen at lap 9.

Jason Frier medal 5000 13 years 71 days ago
I just tried to check the result from last night and it says the race is still live. When I clicked on the 2D button it said \'Race not open\'. The timing board still shows us on lap 9.

Renato Lipi medal 5000 13 years 68 days ago
Hello everybody!
I came back from a trip and my race is still stucked in last season\'s race, december, 29th. Basford told me it\'s a complex thing, but it was, if not solved, \"released\" during the beta tests, just after the last big reset. Could you guys check this, please? League: Moonlight Cup.