In light of the current issue with removing dislikes, I would like to suggest another solution. Why not give mods the power to see who likes and dislikes posts? In that situation 'troll' managers who dislike posts for no reason can be banned from the forum. That way dislikes can be brought back, but will not be able to be exploited.
Hopefully people think this is a good idea, although it'll be harder to tell whether people like it or not without dislikes ;)
How do you know the dislike has a reason or not?
When people dislike a response to a post which says 'I have flagged this to support', is there really a reason for that? I see where you're coming from but surely a moderation system would be much better than removing dislikes. My post has 6 likes currently, and even though I can tell some people disagree from the comments, I have no idea what the agree/disagree ratio is. That issue can be solved through a poll for a suggestion, but with individual comments it's useful for seeing the general opinion.