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Blue Flags

Would you like to see a blue flag system implemented?

66% (33)
34% (17)
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medal 5003
3 years 258 days ago (Last edited by Slo Bro 3 years 258 days ago)
A lot of managers I've talked to are annoyed by how much time can be lost behind backmarkers. 
(Just in case anyone isn't aware of what the blue flag system is, it orders backmarkers/lapped cars to move out of the way to not hold up or impede the race of those on the lead lap)

This is felt more keenly now after the update with DRS weakened at a number of tracks and dirty air seeming to be far more prevalent. 

At wet races too, it's near impossible to pass without boost, even if you're far lighter and faster. 
(This can be branched off into a 2nd topic to be honest because a car on 2 stop that's just pitted and is really heavy should not be impossible to pass when a car much lighter doing more stops is right up behind them)

I think unlike the safety car/yellow flag system which slowed down the race for everyone, a blue flag system will improve the quality and speed of the race and reduce the number of races ruined by losing loads of time behind backmarkers when chasing for points/podiums/wins.
medal 5000
3 years 258 days ago
I think go one step further and just remove drs and dirty air from backmarkers, rather than forcing them to slow down. The only reason one exists is to balance the other, so why not just get rid of both properties from lapped cars?
medal 5000
3 years 258 days ago
I agree
medal 5000
3 years 258 days ago
Yes we need this
medal 5002
3 years 258 days ago

I think go one step further and just remove drs and dirty air from backmarkers, rather than forcing them to slow down. The only reason one exists is to balance the other, so why not just get rid of both properties from lapped cars?

medal 5000
3 years 257 days ago
Very convincing majority in agreement here. Now fingers crossed someone who can make this happen, reads it. 
medal 5000
3 years 257 days ago
It could even add a message saying "The slow car in front has been warned! ?"
This would avoid people going for sneak last lap DRSs and the backmarker hitting the handbrakes in the last second.

Hopefully this flag system will be added in the future and work better than the yellow flags ?
medal 5000
3 years 257 days ago
Devs, you have heard the players. Now pls can you add it
medal 5000
3 years 257 days ago
I disagree with the addition of blue flags, my solution to backmarker dirty air would be to actuy decrease dirty air, no need to add blue flags
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