Emin Zeynali medal 5000 3 years 290 days ago (Last edited by
Emin Zeynali 3 years 288 days ago)
I would happily pay 100 token to buy a gold livery ?
2 tokens is enough
livery # 13 or whatever you like
place this colors from left to right
996600-663300-663300 or fill all cells with only #996600
Enjoy the golden livery. Also looks incredible with black #000000 and white #FFFFFF
Rémy Gomes 100% agree. It turned out that even 30 models for liveries are not enough. Moreover, many of them are repeated. When i wanted to repeat the Osella FA1F livery, i didn't find nothing similar. I hope you will help create new liveries. Especially for fans of tribute teams, in honor of the legendary (and not so great) names of past Grand Prix