Just had another race where the water level didn't change a single mm during the whole race...
This time the race was in Belgium.
In 200 races, I maybe had one or at most two races where the water level changed during the race. This is getting pathetic...
This has been like this for quite a while and I think the wet weather is not being taken full advantage of to make this game interesting and to make the advanced strategy option in this game actually useful.
If the water level doesn't change during the race, what is the point of the advanced strategy option?
Please diversify the water mm level during the races!
It is ridiculous that the water level doesn't change at all during 50 laps in a race...
Note that this is my experience. Even though you might not be experiencing this, it is still a problem for other players.
I will be creating a new post for each wet race I have with this problem!