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League spaces available 55098

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medal 5000
2 years 320 days ago

All welcome!
We're low in numbers but hoping to boost this.
15 race season
7 day racing
50% duration
2.0 race speed
19:30 gmt race start
medal 5000
2 years 320 days ago


All welcome!
We're low in numbers but hoping to boost this.
15 race season
7 day racing
50% duration
2.0 race speed
19:30 League not found or inactive

medal 5000
2 years 319 days ago (Last edited by Martin Stewart 2 years 319 days ago)
League is currently 15 races, will go to the full 22 races next season.

I realise we're low in numbers but would be perfect for any Newbies in Elite who want the time to get themselves competitive without the threat of relegation back to Pro.
medal 5000
2 years 313 days ago
We definitely need more teams to spice it up a bit!
Although it's good for me as I get to build my team up without worrying about being relegated lol
medal 5000
2 years 287 days ago
This league is now running on a 21 race calendar based on the 2019 f1 calendar.
Only a few races left til end of season so happy for anyone to join as we only have 12 running in Elite.
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