Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 10 years 159 days ago (edited 10 years 159 days ago)
Real-time email notifications for in-game mails have been disabled. They will not return.
I will be working on a new method of sending out notification emails in the weeks ahead. The main reason for this is that the amount of mails being sent was placing a heavy burden on our servers and it was not a sustainable approach.
This comes with a series of improvements to the service this week in an effort to prevent simulator crashes which result in the "Connection error" message. All of the updates have been aimed at improving the efficiency and stability of the service.
You should already see a big improvement in the stability of the service over last week, where we had crashes on 2 or 3 days of the week. Uptime has been 100% since these updates and I will continue monitoring the service for any opportunities to increase efficiency.

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 10 years 157 days ago
Further updates have been made to improve service stability tonight.
These include significant efficiency improvements on the way race data is processed, especially at the end of a season. Not very exciting stuff for you guys, but this in the long run is important stuff for iGP! Making these changes will make the service more reliable, perform better and free us up to focus on gameplay updates, the stuff you really want.
All updates mentioned in this post are aimed at significantly decreasing occurrences of the "connection error" message that would appear sometimes. Work on improving the lag/warping of cars around the track is still ongoing, although we are moving faster than expected with that too, but still cautiously predict a release before 2015 as our deadline.
A developer blog will follow this week detailing all of the changes being made behind the scenes currently.