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    medal 0
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Why does my game crash?

What is the most likely cause for iGP to crash?

36.36% (4)
Low RAM, leading to less performance
0% (0)
Filled storage (e.g. 1 GB left of 12 GB storage)
0% (0)
Gadget aging (e.g. 2 years of use)
0% (0)
Low CPU specs (such as very budget CPUs)
0% (0)
Low GPU specs (same reason as last one, only GPUs this time)
0% (0)
Being memory-hungry (has like 1GB of data)
0% (0)
Having obsolete tech (e.x. iPhone 7, old iPads, and old Galaxy phones)
9.09% (1)
Poor performance (from low specs)
27.27% (3)
More than 2 reasons or all of the above
27.27% (3)
I don't know what reason/Other
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medal 5000
3 years 255 days ago
Why does my game crash? TYPE your reason below why iGP could crash. 

medal 5000
3 years 253 days ago
I'm not gonna comment on this as it will get me another ban ?
I know commander trulli is watching me and waiting to strike like a ninja
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