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Fourth Color in Livery

Should there be a fourth color in a livery? (If yes, there will be new ones that have the fourth color)

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Don't know.
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medal 5000
3 years 231 days ago
I suggest a fourth color to be added in the livery editor. What do you think?

There should also be 5 more new liveries with the fourth color. 
medal 5000
3 years 231 days ago
What do you mean 4th colour? There are tons of colours 
medal 5000
3 years 230 days ago

I suggest a fourth color to be added in the livery editor. What do you think?

There should also be 5 more new liveries with the fourth color. 

My suggestion about an overhead viewer showing how your car is rendered in 2D as most people use is much more important than a new colour. The 3D spinny design tool bears little resemblance to your colour scheme when viewed from overhead. 
medal 4991
3 years 228 days ago

What do you mean 4th colour? There are tons of colours 

He wants liverys that can have 4 different colors in it
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